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Förderwerke & Stipendien

Katholischer Akademischer Ausländerdienst

KAAD is the scholarship organization of the German Catholic Church for postgraduates and scholars from (developing) countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Near and Middle East, and Eastern and Southeastern Europe.

Through scholarships, educational events and personal and spiritual support, it promotes its scholarship holders with a view to multiplier activities in their home countries. This is done in cooperation with partner bodies and associations of former scholarship holders in these countries, with the aim of creating a (scientific) network and contributing to a holistic development that includes the religious and interreligious dimension.

As part of the so-called "Scholarship Program 2", Catholic university communities can nominate students who are already studying at a university in Germany for a scholarship.

Bitte meldet euch bei Ada v. Lüninck unter:



The Episcopal Study Grant Cusanuswerk supports talented Catholic students and doctoral candidates in all fields of study - ideally and financially.

Applicants for funding are suggested by the respective school, by university lecturers or by former scholarship holders. Self-application is also possible.

The application is open to Catholic students of all disciplines, as long as you have at least 5 semesters (including Master) ahead of you, as well as high school graduates who will begin their first degree at a state-recognized university, TH, FH or PH. The Cusanuswerk also offers music and artist sponsorship and supports (prospective) doctoral students.

For the application to the Cusanuswerk (and a possible pre-selection on the part of the foundation), an interview and assessment on our part is required.
