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Heilige Messe CRUX Kirche

The Eucharist: Our source for everyday life and living

This is what we would like to celebrate together with you. Tuesday noon and Wednesday evening in a more compact and quiet form, a pause in everyday life with the possibility to gather together and exchange afterwards. On Tuesday at noon, we invite you to join us for lunch in our cafeteria before returning to the university campus.

On Sunday evening we will celebrate the highlight of our week: the City Youth Mass, the Sunday Mass for students and young people in Cologne. With good, innovative music, with hopefully even better impulses, and above all with Jesus Christ for a powerful start into the coming week. Afterwards, we cordially invite you to the CRUX Café for snacks and cool drinks.

We warmly welcome you to both locations - KHG Church and CRUX Church - and look forward to celebrating with you!

  • Tuesday 12pm15 "Die Genussvolle" Midday Mass in the KHG Church followed by lunch
  • Wednesday 6pm "Die Knackige" Workday Mass in the CRUX Church
  • Sunday 6pm "Die Feierliche" City Youth Mass in the CRUX Church, Taizé prayer every 1st Sunday of the month
