Menü Schließen

Nicole Ringhut

Welcome to the KHG

The KHG is a place of encounter for all those who study and work at Cologne's universities - regardless of their field of study, type of university or denomination.

With our offer we would like to complement and enrich the time you have available besides studying, learning and working and at the same time create space for the realisation of your own projects, ideas, plans and intentions. Because the KHG lives from the Togetherness of peoplewho shape it.

Get to know each other, discuss, exchange: This is what the KHG wants to support. In the educational program we invite experts to talk with us about current topics; in the spiritual program we exchange views on questions of Christian faith. But also among ourselves we often stay together until late to talk about God and the world. Conviviality is very important to us: Whether we cook together, go to the museum, do sports, travel together or celebrate - we want to make it possible for students from a wide range of disciplines to meet and get to know each other. Our rooms are available to you for this purpose: as a venue for events, but also as a quiet place to write homework, to chat and snack, to work and craft, to make music and meditate.

Of course, we invite you to join in the celebration and participation at our God:Time every Thursday at 6pm. If you want to try out innovative liturgy formats, this is the place to be.

Another big area is our counselling: On the one hand, we advise you on all problems and questions that arise around your studies and university and try to find solutions together. On the other hand, we also have time for you if you simply need someone to talk to in order to get clarity in a life situation that is important to you. Just talk to us or write to us!

Last but not least, we are also there for concerns when it comes to church scholarships and sponsorship for students from all over the world.

Sport & Spirit – Badminton

Sport as a mirror of our society?! Well, it all depends on who is looking in! Do you want a sports programme that is geared towards you and your community? Do you want to meet new people in Cologne in a casual atmosphere ?

Then we cordially invite you to our sports programme, always on Tuesdays between 6.30 pm and 10 pm in the KHG sports hall, directly opposite the KHG Centre.

Here, students organise themselves which sports to focus on. You have access to a state-of-the-art and well-equipped sports hall. Badminton is currently offered in several groups.

Off we go!

Give it a go, close your laptop for 2 hours and join us for some sport!

Kontakt: Fiona Krämer
WhatsApp unter 01577-2727 914


CRUX Kirche

Der Schiefe Turm von Köln

Seitdem der Kirchturm der Kirche CRUX-Kirche St. Johann Baptist im September 2004 durch den U-Bahnbau kippte, war er bekannt als der „Schiefe Turm von Köln“. Das Kippen des Kirchturms war die Initialzündung für das Jugendpastorale Zentrum, weil es den Weg frei machte zur Renovierung der Kirche und der Realisierung eines Zentrums der Jugend und jungen Erwachsenen in Köln.

Das CRUX Café lädt (als ‚Place to be‘) zum Verweilen und Quatschen ein; egal ob über Gott, die Welt oder dein Leben. Hier triffst du auf junge Menschen – Schüler und Studenten. Gönn dir deine Zeit, die du brauchst und wie du sie brauchst. Wir sind für dich da.

Church opening hours

Di – So: 9.00 – 18.00 Uhr 


Heilige Messe CRUX Kirche

The Eucharist: Our source for everyday life and living

This is what we would like to celebrate together with you. Tuesday noon and Wednesday evening in a more compact and quiet form, a pause in everyday life with the possibility to gather together and exchange afterwards. On Tuesday at noon, we invite you to join us for lunch in our cafeteria before returning to the university campus.

On Sunday evening we will celebrate the highlight of our week: the City Youth Mass, the Sunday Mass for students and young people in Cologne. With good, innovative music, with hopefully even better impulses, and above all with Jesus Christ for a powerful start into the coming week. Afterwards, we cordially invite you to the CRUX Café for snacks and cool drinks.

During Advent, we celebrate every Thursday an early mass at 7am15 as Rorate Mass, followed by breakfast together.

We warmly welcome you to both locations - KHG Church and CRUX Church - and look forward to celebrating with you!

  • Tuesday 12pm15 "Die Genussvolle" Midday Mass in the KHG Church followed by lunch
  • Wednesday 6pm "Die Knackige" Workday Mass in the CRUX Church
  • Donnerstag 7.15 Uhr „Der gute Start“ (Rorate Messe)
    Frühmesse in der Adventszeit 5.+12.+19. Dezember in der KHG Kirche
  • Sunday 6pm "Die Feierliche" City Youth Mass in the CRUX Church, Taizé prayer every 1st Sunday of the month
