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Info Session: Right of residence

On Thursday, 24th November at 5pm, The Kölner Studierendenwerk, the Ausländeramt of the city of Cologne and the International Offices of Cologne’s universities cordially invite international students and visiting researchers to the information event about the right of residence.

The presentation will be held in German with English translation. Later, there will be information stands where you can discuss your personal and specific questions and concerns with a competent advisor.

Thursday 24.11.2022, 5pm Mensa Zülpicher Straße, MG Süd

More Info about the event under Info Session: Right of residence

The Night Café is looking for you !

Without a place to live in winter? The homeless chaplaincy is urgently looking for support for the "Night Café".

For the people without a home living on the streets in Cologne, the nights in winter will be brutally hard. That is why the pastoral care for homeless people in Cologne is organising the "Night Café" from now until March 2023: Every night, homeless people can spend the night in the warmth of a church parish.

For the nights from Thursday to Friday, this offer takes place, for example, in the church for homeless people ("Gubbio") Ulrichgasse 27-29, 50678 Cologne.

For this and also for the other nights we are urgently looking for helpers (18 years and older).

The task: Reception of the homeless around 9 pm, offering a small snack, overnight stay in the church or community centre, offering breakfast, closing the church/centre around 8 am. During this engagement you will have an amazingly positive and new experience.

If you would like to help, please contact Sister Christina at or call 0173/ 5709617.

On Thursday, 9 November, there will also be a Zoom meeting at 6 p.m., where you will get more information about the field of activity, experiences and impressions of the last years and can ask your questions.

You can register for this at the Mentorat here

Sustainability on Stage

For our international students and, of course, all other interested parties, the theatre group "Wild Roots" of the TH Köln offers a full-day workshop in English on 6th November 2022 in the auditorium of the KHG.

If you want to meet nice people, refine body language, expression and rhetoric in a playfully way with lots of fun, then this course is just right for you!

Get in touch with Nicole or directly at:


Talking together instead of about each other

In the following months, the Archdiocese of Cologne organises 4 events together with the university groups at the University of Cologne: Jewish Student Association, Muslim University Association, Protestant Student Community and Catholic University Community.

The dates for this are:

  • 19.10. * 4pm – 7pm: Aspects of Jewish Life in Germany
  • 02.11. * 4pm - 7pm: Muslims in Germany
  • 16.11. * 4pm - 7pm: Fake News and Conspiracy Narratives 
  • 07.12. * 4pm - 9pm: Christian values foundation and the German way of life?

The format is aimed at students (18-28 years old) who want to exchange ideas and contribute to the planned content. The events can also be attended individually after registration.

For further information and registration > Thomas Frings


Semester Kick-Off

We cordially invite you to our semester opening and introduction of the new pastoral team for pastoral care for the university and youth in Cologne. 

We will start with the opening service in the KHG Church, the choir „fiat ars“ will provide the musical accompaniment, and then continue to celebrate at our premises with food and drinks. 

When? Thursday, 20th October um 6pm Where? At your KHG

We are looking forward to a lively exchange with you ! 

Your KHG Team 

Theatre Workshop

Do you fancy some stage air, a break from the stress of university and nice people? Then come along and get to know the world of the stage with theatre teacher Maria Mock.

How does it feel to be someone completely different? And how does acting work in general?
Together we slip into new roles, improvise and invent small scenes. All this without long text swotting.

Try it out from the 29. September – 01. October 2022

THU/FR/SAT each from 10am to 3pm30

Workshop für Student:innen in den Räumlichkeiten der KHG – Berrenrather Strasse 127 – 50937 Köln

The workshop is free of charge for you and has a maximum of 12 participants.

If you have any questions about the content, please contact Maria Mock.
Registration to Nicole Ringhut.

The Theatre Club is supported by StaVV
(Studierendenvertretung der Humanwissenschaftlichen Fakultät)


Donation to Ukrainian hospitals

We are very happy to support the project "Ukrainian Hospitals in Need" under the leadership of Julia Kahbyuk and Anastasiia Alokhina.

The important supplies of medicines and medical supplies have safely reached their destination in Ukraine and can now be used on the spot.

Musical dialogue about Ukraine

Am Freitag, den 1. Juli gibt es ein besonderes Highlight in der Klinikkirche St Johannes der Täufer.

Um 18h findet dort ein Musikalischer Dialog über die Ukraine statt, eine Kostprobe ukrainischer Kultur und Musik mit Bandura, Gitarre, Klavier und Gesang. Der Eintritt ist frei !

Ort: Klinikkirche, Joseph-Stelzmann-Straße 20, 50931 Köln


Save and share food

At the KHG, we would like to do something together with you against throwing away food and have set up a system for collecting and handing out food, the so-called FairTeiler, which was later taken over by Foodsharing.

This is a permanently installed cupboard and fridge where you can deposit and collect food during our opening hours.

Both are clearly visible directly in the entrance area of our building (Berrenrather Str. 127) and are open to all people who would like to use them as an offer for food sharing. We would be happy to have committed helpers who would join us in keeping the cupboard clean.

Please contact us at:

If you want to find out more about the idea of the FoodSharing, you can read more here.


  • Ada von Lüninck 

    Social Counselling and spiritual accompaniment

    T: +49 162 1025 498

    Office hours: Mon, Tue + Wed in the afternoon
    Languages: German, English, French