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Salsa Night spendet 2.050 Euro

We would like to thank all the helpers, dancers and salsa enthusiasts for a great evening full of positive energy and passion.

Wir freuen uns über insgesamt 2.050 Euro Spendengeld, welches wir an die Kinderkrebshilfe der Uniklinik Köln überweisen konnten.


Erfolgreiche Museumsnacht

Am 2. November sind 180 Gäste bei uns in die Museumsnacht gestartet. Insgesamt 350 Besucher*innen haben die Ausstellung „Interference“ in der KHG Kirche gesehen.

Wir danken der Museumsnacht, die uns im ersten Jahr direkt als Highlight in ihr Programm aufgenommen hat. 

Wir danken allen Helfer*innen, die unermüdlich im Einsatz waren und das Event ermöglicht haben.

Ganz besonderen Dank gilt den drei Künstler*innen Ruben Tsangaris, Anna Balthasar und Michelle Bocker, die mit Ihrer Licht- und Soundinstallation „Interference“ die KHG Kirche wahrhaftig in ein begehbares Kunstwerk verwandelt haben.

Kunst macht sichtbar, gibt Emotionen Raum, öffnet unsere Sinne für die Schönheit und das Transzendente und stärkt Gemeinschaft. Damit ist Sie ganz wesentlicher Teil unseres Menschseins. 

Danke, dass du dar warst!

KHG on tour

Wir sind in den kommenden Tagen auch mit unserem Lastenfahrrad auf dem jeweiligen Campus an den verschiedenen Kölner Hochschulen. Lernt unser Team und Programm kennen, wir freuen uns auf gute Gespräche mit euch.


Together with Erasmus, we are organising public screenings on a big screen with cool drinks for a few selected games. May the next summer fairytale begin.

Friday 14th June Germany vs. Scotland 9pm
Wednesday 19th June Germany vs. Hungary 6pm
Thursday 20th June Spain vs. Italy 9pm
Tuesday 25th June France vs. Poland 6pm
Sunday 14th July Final 9pm

A warm invitation to everyone! We look forward to celebrating with you.
Where? Berrenrather Straße 127



Heart:Beat is our new Gott:Zeit format with Johannes. A musically densely packed evening to arrive and join in. In a growing collective of young artists, we play current, covered and self-written pop songs that encourage dialogue and reflection on Christian faith.

Other dates are:

12.10. + Opening (Start 6pm) 
3.11. + Theo Party (Start 7pm)
8.12. Advent Concert with Koenig & Priester (Start 7pm)
11.1.2024 (Start 7pm)

1.2. + Closing (Start 6pm) 


Rising interest rates burden students

Forum University and Church criticises interest rate increase for KfW student loan

(Bonn, 23 May 2023) The Board of the Forum Hochschule und Kirche (FHoK) sharply criticises the historic high of interest rates for student loans and thus joins the criticism of the Deutsches Studierendenwerk. The Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) had increased the effective interest rate of its student loan from 6.06% to 7.82% as of 1 April 2023.

As part of the Federal Government's Education Loan Programme, the KfW Education Loan disburses loans for students regardless of income. To qualify for the loan, students must be studying at a state or state-recognised higher education institution located in Germany.

"In our university community, students are also affected by the massive increase in interest rates," says Jonas Wihl, a member of the new main committee of the Forum University and Church. Those affected from his university community in Munich report that BAföG is difficult to access for many students. It is not always possible to securely finance their studies. The KfW loan is therefore often an emergency solution, especially when the financing of studies has to be secured at short notice. "If the interest rates for repayment are now raised so sharply, this will deter many from taking out a loan, and the hardship of financing studies will worsen drastically," adds Luise Gruender, university chaplain in the diocese of Speyer and FHoK board member. 

"The real problem is that BAföG is accessible to an ever smaller proportion of students," Jonas Wihl states. This assessment is also shared by Matthias Anbuhl, Chairman of the Board of the German Student Union, in a press release dated 10 May. The Federal Government must make BAföG "accessible to more students as a central state instrument for financing studies" so that "finally more than the current eleven per cent of students benefit from Bafög again".

The Catholic dioceses with their university parishes and study support organisations are committed to ensuring broad access to higher education in our country with free counselling services, places in halls of residence and emergency support for international students.


  • Ada v. Lüninck 

    Social Counselling and spiritual accompaniment

    T: +49 162 1025 498

    Office hours: Mon, Tue + Wed in the afternoon
    Languages: German, English, French

200 Euro energy price flat rate

The Bundestag has passed the law of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on the one-off payment (energy price flat rate) for students as well as students of technical colleges.

The payment is intended to relieve the burden on around 3.5 million young people in training. For them in particular, the increased costs for heating, electricity and food are often a particular burden.

More here



The International Office of the University of Cologne offers free German courses for people with a refugee background. There is the possibility to participate online and in presence.

The application deadline for submitting documents via the application portal is 15th February 2023. The courses start in April 2023. The application has to be submitted digitally to the University of Cologne under the following link.

A digital information event must still be attended before participation. The next event will take place on 27th January 2023 at 2 pm. More information and further dates can be found

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Academic Refugee Support team at the following address.



Our theatre teacher Maria Mock cordially invites you to a tragicomic fairy tale based on Carlo Gozzi, with Maria as assistant director. The play takes place in the Bürgerhaus Köln Kalk. Admission is free of charge!


We find ourselves in the mystical, fairytale court of Emperor Altoum. His daughter, the beautiful but marriage-averse Princess Turandot, gives each of her suitors three riddles, all of which must be solved. Whoever fails will be beheaded - and this fate has already befallen several. Now an unknown prince wants to try his luck. And? How will he fare? Will he stand up to the princess? If so, will she marry him against her will? Funny and heartbreaking, sly and dim-witted, fearful and combative are the characters of the fairy tale. The tension remains until the last breath, the audience is allowed to fever and puzzle along.

Ensemble Integral revels in Gozzi's imaginative theatre aesthetic and invites the audience to theatre as a celebration!

THU 19.01.2022 – 7pm30
FRI 20.01.2022 – 7pm30
SAT 21.01.2022 – 7pm30
SUN 22.01.2022 – 6pm30

A production by Ensemble Integral, supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of "NEUSTART KULTUR", by the Cultural Office of the City of Cologne and the Bürgerhaus Köln Kalk.



Nazi past in one's own family

Dieter Schleyer, a guest student at Cologne University, has been researching his grandfather and painter Adolf Doerner . His past during the National Socialist era was hardly addressed in his family, as in so many other families.

Mr Schleyer examined documents that were still available. He studied sources and literature. He interviewed people from his grandfather's circle. Above all, however, he studied the paintings of his grandfather, who had worked as an artist under National Socialism and whose paintings have survived to this day.

The traces left behind by this person are made visible, his entanglements are shown and the effects on the family are addressed.

An important contribution for anyone who wants to remember National Socialism as something that also took place in their own family.

2MM is a lecture series of the fgs. It takes place on every second Wednesday of the month during the semester. Here, guest lecturers talk about their work at the university and about experiences and projects from their private or professional lives.

Where? Säulensaal at the KHG

When? 4pm - 6pm on Wednesday, 11th January 2023