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Musical dialogue about Ukraine

Am Freitag, den 1. Juli gibt es ein besonderes Highlight in der Klinikkirche St Johannes der Täufer.

Um 18h findet dort ein Musikalischer Dialog über die Ukraine statt, eine Kostprobe ukrainischer Kultur und Musik mit Bandura, Gitarre, Klavier und Gesang. Der Eintritt ist frei !

Ort: Klinikkirche, Joseph-Stelzmann-Straße 20, 50931 Köln


Save and share food

At the KHG, we would like to do something together with you against throwing away food and have set up a system for collecting and handing out food, the so-called FairTeiler, which was later taken over by Foodsharing.

This is a permanently installed cupboard and fridge where you can deposit and collect food during our opening hours.

Both are clearly visible directly in the entrance area of our building (Berrenrather Str. 127) and are open to all people who would like to use them as an offer for food sharing. We would be happy to have committed helpers who would join us in keeping the cupboard clean.

Please contact us at:

If you want to find out more about the idea of the FoodSharing, you can read more here.

The food sharing is accessible during our opening hours (see footer of the website).
