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Holy Year Rome 2025

Jubilee of the youth
From 30th July to 6th August 2025 in Rome.

‘I invite all the young people of the world to Rome in 2025 to celebrate the Jubilee of Youth together,’ were the words with which the Holy Father surprised the 1.5 million young people and young adults at the sending-out Mass for World Youth Day in Lisbon.

Pilgrimage to Rome for the Holy Year by bus, train, bike or on foot. 

Participation fee: 649 Euro

Anmeldung ist jetzt frei geschaltet.


Taizé Summer 2025

Experience a week in the Taizé Communauté. With prayer, silence, nature and community.

The programme is aimed at teenagers and young adults of all religious beliefs between the ages of 15 and 27.

Persons aged 28 and over can joinl if it is foreseeable that there are still places available on the bus and will initially be placed on the waiting list.

Price: 190€ (for teenagers and young adults from the Archdiocese of Cologne)
240€ (for persons outside the Archdiocese of Cologne and persons over 28 years of age (see above))

The exact information on departure, payment etc. will be communicated later.

If you have any questions, please contact Johannes Kutter

Registration ends on 31 March 2025.


Kalabrien Tropea

Vom 14. März bis 21. März 2025 in Tropea Kalabrien.

Spend over a week in one of the most beautiful regions of Italy - relax, learn, work, soak up the sun, pray, cook and much more. Take time for yourself and the community. In a self-catering house near the beach, we want to make the most of our time and share life together.

Accommodation in shared rooms and full board. Flight to Lamezia Terme.

Participation fee: 550€ (statt 680€)

Registration closed!


Study & Pray

Enjoy the ancient monastic rhythm of praying-working-relaxing to focus on the essentials and put the finishing touches to studying for exams.

The self-catering house "in:spirit" in the monastery of Steyl offers the framework to organise the days as everyone needs it.

Cost contribution: 80 euros (incl. accommodation and catering)
Travelling by train to Venlo (included in the semester ticket)

When? From Thursday 23rd January to Sunday 26th January 2025

Registration is possible until 6. January 2025. If you have any questions please contact Ada or Nicole. We'll do our best to answer your questions.


  • Ada v. Lüninck 

    Social Counselling and spiritual accompaniment

    T: +49 162 1025 498

    Office hours: Mon, Tue + Wed in the afternoon
    Languages: German, English, French

Hiking in the Eifel

When? 8th November until 10th November 2024
Where? Schleiden, Vogelsang 44, 53937 Schleiden, Deutschland

We are staying in a self-catering house run by the German Alpine Club. From there we want to go on 1-2 hiking tours (approx. 15-20km). We will arrive on Friday, either in the morning or in the afternoon, and return on Sunday lunchtime.

The price of 60 euros includes two nights' accommodation (four-bed room), all meals and travel.

You will receive more detailed information on arrival and departure, route descriptions, packing list etc. after registration.

We look forward to seeing you!


World Youth Day 2023

Vom 1. August bis 6. August 2023 findet in Lissabon der 37. Weltjugendtag unter dem Motto „Maria stand auf und machte sich eilig auf den Weg“ (Lk 1,39) statt. Erlebe gemeinsam mit tausenden jungen Menschen ein internationales Festival des Glaubens.

After the break we all experienced with the pandemic, we are very happy to finally have the opportunity to meet again together with hundreds of thousands of young people in person, to celebrate together, to broaden our horizons and perspectives and to strengthen each other in our faith.

After the great experiences of the World Youth Days in Krakow in 2016 and in Panama in 2019, this international youth meeting will be, especially against the background of the numerous global crises, a very special celebration of faith and joy, to which we would like to cordially invite you.

The 16-day bus tour 'Days of Encounter' from 23/24th July to 8th August 2023 is accompanied by the joint team of the Crux Church and additionally leads to the Portuguese diocese of Aveiro. A stopover in Lourdes (France) is also planned on the way there.

More information and registration for this trip can be obtained via the Crux Kirche

For the almost 10-day flight travel from 29/30/31 July to 6/7/8 August you can register directly on the Ferienwerk Köln website

Young people between the ages of 16 and 30 can participate.

The travel price is 829 EUR for students.

Registration deadline extended until 12 April 2023 - 12.00 pm