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Spiritual offers

Spiritual archery

"Don't aim, then you'll hit..." 

Times of intuitive archery, sharing, meditation exercises and prayer invite you to (re)find your own centre. The experience enables you to become aware of the presence of GOD, to gain peace and clarity in your own life and to allow yourself to be yourself.

Previous knowledge of archery or meditation is not necessary.

When: 9th to 11th September 2024

Location: Steyl Monastery near Venlo (Holland)

Direction: Martin Bartsch and Ada v. Lüninck

Costs: 60 euros

Registration until 6th August 2024 to Martin Bartsch


Street retreat in everyday life

"The place where you stand is holy ground."  (Ex 3,5)

Attention is the natural prayer of the soul: to seek the traces of God in the midst of the life of people and things in Cologne and to let oneself be found. The only requirement is to get involved: After a meditative introduction, we go “out into the streets” for three hours in all weathers to get inspired. Afterwards, there is space for sharing and evaluating the experience in small groups. The day ends with a worship celebration.

Mon. 04.09.2023 to Wed. 06.09.2023 | 10am - 4pm in each case

Location: Mentorat-KHG-premises

Direction: Martin Bartsch and Ada v. Lüninck

Registration until 21.08.2023 an Ada v. Lüninck
