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Together with Erasmus, we are organising public screenings on a big screen with cool drinks for a few selected games. May the next summer fairytale begin.

Friday 14th June Germany vs. Scotland 9pm
Wednesday 19th June Germany vs. Hungary 6pm
Thursday 20th June Spain vs. Italy 9pm
Tuesday 25th June France vs. Poland 6pm
Sunday 14th July Final 9pm

A warm invitation to everyone! We look forward to celebrating with you.
Where? Berrenrather Straße 127


Spiritual archery

"Don't aim, then you'll hit..." 

Times of intuitive archery, sharing, meditation exercises and prayer invite you to (re)find your own centre. The experience enables you to become aware of the presence of GOD, to gain peace and clarity in your own life and to allow yourself to be yourself.

Previous knowledge of archery or meditation is not necessary.

When: 9th to 11th September 2024

Location: Steyl Monastery near Venlo (Holland)

Direction: Martin Bartsch and Ada v. Lüninck

Costs: 60 euros

Registration until 6th August 2024 to Martin Bartsch


Assisi pilgrimage 2024

In summer 2024, we will go on pilgrimage to Assisi in 3 groups to recharge our batteries, find inspiration and peace for all our challenges.

Interrail with Simone - cost contribution 649 euros
Per Fahrrad mit Matthäus – Kostenbeitrag 449 Euro
Zu Fuß mit Johannes K. – Kostenbeitrag 449 Euro

registration until 30rd April 2024


Pentecost trip Paris 2024

(c) Nicole Ringhut

"Paris is always a good idea!" as Audrey Hepburn once said. Experience the culture, faith and beauty of France with Simone from May 21 to 25, 2024.

The tour price is 299 EUR including travel and accommodation.


KHG Late Night Study Session

(c) AI generated

Keine Lust allein zu lernen oder auf eine überfüllte Uni-Bib? In den Räumlichkeiten der KHG findest du alles was du für ein entspanntes und konzentriertes Lernen in guter Gesellschaft brauchst, organisiert von Studierenden für Studierende.

We offer joint learning phases and breaks to promote learning in a relaxed atmosphere. There are plenty of power sockets, free Wi-Fi, food and drinks and a waffle station during the breaks.

Start: 19.7. at 7pm
End: 20.7. at 8am

There are different rooms depending on your needs and mood:

Leselampe (study area with quiet conversation)
Tische zum gemeinsamen Lernen

Säulensaal (Learning area without conversations)
Tische zum konzentrierten Lernen

Leisure area (basement)
Table football, table tennis and a pool table are available here to let off steam and recharge your batteries

Auditorium (dining and break area)
Food and drinks, table with waffle iron and ingredients (batter, syrup, chocolate sauce, fruit), coffee and tea station, comfortable seating for relaxing and chatting

Meditation room
Space to relax or take a short power nap with blankets and pillows.

Bei Rückfragen melde dich gerne bei Conrad Menke siehe Kontakt.


Crime Dinner

Fancy slipping into a different role?
Let's find out together who the culprit is.
Accompanied by a delicious multi-course menu that
we'll all put together.

When? Friday, 17th May 2024

Start: 6pm at the KHG


Sport & Spirit – AcroYoga

Free training acroyoga

We meet every Tuesday between 18.30-21.00 for free training in the meditation room of the KHG. This means that there are no instructors and no guidance.

Acroyoga thrives on mutual exchange. The level of experience of the participants varies greatly and beginners are also very welcome.
As it is not a supervised training programme, you are welcome to come along for just an hour to get some exercise or work on your handstand.

An offer from students for students.

Give it a try !

Contact: Lin Schirmer
WhatsApp unter 0177-288 5952


Music Sessions - Pentecost Camp

Do you play an instrument or sing and would like to get in touch with others who also like to make music? Then our music sessions and/or Whitsun camp might be just the thing for you: 

Music Sessions:
We provide a stage with band equipment and lighting for jamming together and the opportunity to present your own music.

Each Friday 26 April, 17 May and 28 June 2024 from 7.30 pm Meeting in the Vatikänchen

Pentecost camp Fri 17 - Sun 19 May 2024:
Work on your own songs with professional support. We start Friday at 6 pm with dinner, getting to know each other and a first music session. Possibility of a final performance at the city youth fair at CRUX Sunday 6 pm.

Registration: until 10 May 2024 to Johannes Rathgeber at


Emergency Shelter

In cooperation with the ASTA of University Cologne we set up our emergency accomodation for the start of the semester. As the name says this is an emergency solution and not dedicated for a long term stay.

Start is on Monday, April 8, 2024 and end on April 26, 2024.

For further information and application you can send an email with your certificate of enrolment and contact details to