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Assisi pilgrimage 2024

In summer 2024, we will go on pilgrimage to Assisi in 3 groups to recharge our batteries, find inspiration and peace for all our challenges.

Interrail with Simone - cost contribution 649 euros
Per Fahrrad mit Matthäus – Kostenbeitrag 449 Euro
Zu Fuß mit Johannes K. – Kostenbeitrag 449 Euro

registration until 30rd April 2024


Trip to Bruges

After the first stress of the semester: enjoy a day in Bruges. Meet new people, get out and see something nice. With Matthew.  

When? Saturday, 4th May 2024

Departure: 6am in the morning in front of the KHG Church
Return: 9pm at the KHG Church

The tour price is 20 EUR including lunch.


Poland trip at Easter 2024

We will use the Easter week (1 April to 7 April 2024 - lecture-free week) to visit the metropolis of Krakow and the Ausschwitz-Birkenau memorial and exchange ideas with Polish students from the Catholic University on site.

Culture, faith and history of a great region await us - and also the amazing nature of the High Tatras.

Cost contribution: 444 euros

Anmeldung beendet.


Taizéfahrt Ljubljana Silvester 2023/24

Jedes Jahr kommen Tausende junger Erwachsener aus verschiedenen Ländern und Konfessionen in einer europäischen Großstadt zusammen, um gemeinsam zu beten und mit den Menschen und Kirchengemeinden vor Ort zu leben.

Wann? Do 28.Dezember 2023 bis 2.Januar 2024

Costs: 225 euros (up to 27 years) I 265 euros (from 28 years)


World Youth Day 2023

Vom 1. August bis 6. August 2023 findet in Lissabon der 37. Weltjugendtag unter dem Motto „Maria stand auf und machte sich eilig auf den Weg“ (Lk 1,39) statt. Erlebe gemeinsam mit tausenden jungen Menschen ein internationales Festival des Glaubens.

After the break we all experienced with the pandemic, we are very happy to finally have the opportunity to meet again together with hundreds of thousands of young people in person, to celebrate together, to broaden our horizons and perspectives and to strengthen each other in our faith.

After the great experiences of the World Youth Days in Krakow in 2016 and in Panama in 2019, this international youth meeting will be, especially against the background of the numerous global crises, a very special celebration of faith and joy, to which we would like to cordially invite you.

The 16-day bus tour 'Days of Encounter' from 23/24th July to 8th August 2023 is accompanied by the joint team of the Crux Church and additionally leads to the Portuguese diocese of Aveiro. A stopover in Lourdes (France) is also planned on the way there.

More information and registration for this trip can be obtained via the Crux Kirche

For the almost 10-day flight travel from 29/30/31 July to 6/7/8 August you can register directly on the Ferienwerk Köln website

Young people between the ages of 16 and 30 can participate.

The travel price is 829 EUR for students.

Registration deadline extended until 12 April 2023 - 12.00 pm