Menü Schließen


Christian Values

Our Christian values inspire us to participate in shaping our society and environment. We want to take responsibility and work towards justice and peace. Protecting Creation is particularly close to our hearts.


Building bridges to other religions, cultures and organisations and promoting cultural diversity and internationality is important to us. That is why we offer spaces where people can interact with one another.
We believe that every encounter in life can have an impact and are happy to see encounters turning into meaningful relations.

Your Project

Each individual and their personality is important to us. We support you in realizing your idea and project. Tell us what moves you, what is important to you, what you’ve always wanted to do.

Spirituality and faith

In dialogue and out of the experience of divine love and presence, we explore the question of God in very different formats. We draw from the rich Christian-Catholic tradition to accompany you on your independent journey with God.

Advice & Help

We advise you and help with problems and questions that arise in regard to your everyday studies - f.ex. in special life situations, during exam phase or when money is tight - in an unbureaucratic, fast and concrete way.
We listen to your fears and worries and are there for you.